by Helen
12 April 2020
You can imagine my other half's reaction last September when I said to him......since we're going on a driving holiday let's go to the MICAM Shoe Fair in Milan and see what we can find to add to our Collection. So off we set off on a 3 week holiday with the intention of arriving in Milan to go shoe shopping for my small business to find shoes and or boots you would all love. What an have all been there when shopping for yourselves.... the heel is not quite right....I don't like the toe shape.....have you any other's too expensive....etc etc 14,000 steps in one day just looking at shoes and boots but it was all worth it in the end because we found Brands that have no outlets in the UK and who were intrigued by my business premise of only buying a single style in a range of the colours. So would we do it again? Absolutely we'll be there in September - shoe shopping just for you and loving it